Birthdate: Dec 16th, 82
Birth Place: Minneapolis
Family: Larry (Hubby), Gavan (10) & Gannan (7)
Personal strengths: Following a plan and pushing to a goal. This goes for anything in life.
Personal weaknesses: Asking for help. I am the worst with this in anything. If I do ask it means I really need it lol
Reason for joining Northstar: I joined because I wanted more running friends and a feeling of community.
Favorite running shoes: Brooks Ghost
Favorite place to run: Well not during Covid the lakes, otherwise I just love to run new places. I have been known to follow alone with team poor decisions on adventures but secretly I love every minute of it.
Running Goals:
- Short-term: Get back to where I used to be before my last injury
- Long-term: stay injury free, get a pr, I want to still get a sub 4 hour marathon, and be able to keep running forever
Proudest Running Achievement: Grandma's half 2018. After Training for Brian Kraft and getting a PR weeks before grandma's I was not expecting a PR. Rob set me up with a schedule of what to run but then left the best thing for the end. Not look at my watch from lemon drop hill until the finish. So I moved it to clock and I just focused on getting to the finish. I never ran so hard with the best of Energy. I smashed my PR and finally got out of my head.
Typical training week, a month or two before a major race: run every day. Oh seriously 2 speedwork days, 1 streak day, 3 easy recovery days and 1 long run. I am pretty happy to be running 30-50 miles a week during training.
Running idol: Woman Gwen Jorgensen, Man Scott Jurek and yes an animal Sherman the Donkey.
Injuries: torn hip librium, plantar fasciitis (but very minor)
- Marathon PR: 4:28:46 (Flying Pig)
- Half-Marathon PR: 1:53:31 (Grandma's l
- 25K PR: never done
- 10 Mile PR: 1:28:55 (Goldy's)
- 10K PR: 53:54 (Victory)
- 5K PR: 24:36 (Brian Kraft)
- 1 Mile PR: 7:11 (TC 1 mile)
Non-running Hobbies: Audiobook Addict, Crafting
Anything else interesting you'd like to share? I have been on my run streak since September 13th, 2016. I run with 2 of the 3 dogs about 90% of the time. Marv & Marco. Gavan runs with me a lot too and also on a run streak.